Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Little Advice to the Humans on How To Survive This Quarantine!

I'm sure most of you are new to this quarantine situation and aren't used to spending so much time at home.  You may be having a tough time adapting to this new world.  Well, as someone who's "worked" from home for years, I have some wisdom to pass along to you.

First, you should still get up at your normal time for your coffee, breakfast, workout, or whatever it is you do to wake up in the morning.   Routine is good.  Also, us dogs still need our breakfast on time!  An occasional sleep in is okay, just don't make it a habit to not feed us until 10am.

Second, a post breakfast nap or a mid-afternoon nap is okay.  We do it all the time and look how happy we are!

Third, snacks are good.   Life is hard right now, so a little treat for yourself is totally acceptable.While your helping yourself to a snack, feel free to toss one our way too!

Fourth, exercise is good, especially if you're following my snack advice! So go for a walk and get some fresh air whenever possible.    Fresh air and walking are good for you.  Since you're walking anyway, why not take us with you?   We'll never complain about having too many walks.

Fifth, wander around the house ever so often.  Relocating or changing positions is key. It's easy to sit at the dining room table to check a few emails, but suddenly three hours have gone by and you haven't moved.   This is not good for you.  While we hounds do quite a bit of snoozing, we often move from the floor, to the couch to the bed.  Often we just turn around and lay back down in the same spot many times throughout the day.   You don't want those muscles to get stiff!

Sixth, be on the lookout for suspicious activity!   You never know what your neighbors may be up to, so be sure to look out the windows throughout the day to see what's happening.  You want to make sure the mailman isn't getting too close or the squirrels aren't teasing you.

Seventh, take advantage of this situation and spend more quality time with us!  While we understand some of you are working from home and may need to get some work done, check emails, or hop on a conference call, surely you can squeeze some snuggle time with us in.   Don't forget there is nothing we love more than spending time with you.  If you're home, we want your attention.  So put that phone or computer down and just be with us!

I'm sure a lot of my other four-legged followers out there have some advice as well.  Please feel free to share your words of wisdom.  These humans need all the help they can get right now!

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Abigail, although personally I prefer Princess Abby. I live, make that rule, a household in Los Angeles. I have a big backyard to play in, a couch to sleep on, and lots of love. I'm on my 3rd, yes 3rd, male companion. My first bud was Sherlock and he taught me everything. I was just six weeks old when I met him. He was five, so he knew everything. He took me under his wing and looked after me until the day he died. He died a week before his 13th birthday. That was almost 5 years ago and I still miss him. He was a special dude and for 8 years, we spent every minute of every day together. I was really lonely after I lost my best bud. So mom decided I needed another friend. In walks Brutus. Now Brutus was nothing like Sherlock. He'd had a really rough life but he didn't want to share what he knew of the world. He said his past was just too ugly and he wanted to forget it. He was just grateful to have nice place to sleep and people who loved him. He followed my mom around everywhere. He would never let her out of his sight. At first I was a little jealous, well a lot jealous. But then I realized he didn't grow up getting the kind of love and attention that I did, so I let him have the spotlight. I wound up learning a lot from him. I learned how to be grateful for the things I had. I'd grown up having it all so I didn't really appreciate anything. Brutus however was grateful for everything. I learned that the more love I give, the more I get back in return. He was a very special friend but unfortunately he got really sick and our time together was cut short. My heart ached after Brutus was gone. What was wrong with me that my two best buds had to leave me? As I sat feeling sorry for myself, mom pulled up in the Jeep and out jumped Chadwick. Now let me tell you about Chadwick. Chadwick walked in like he owned the place. He walked around like he was royalty or something. I don't know who he thought he was, but I quickly put him in his place. I established myself as the alpha dog in this household. He challenged me at first, but he finally acquiesced. Now Chadwick is a pain in my ass. I mean that literally. You see he's blind. I don't just mean he can't see well, the dog has no eyes. It's kind of freaky if you ask me. It is kind of funny though to watch him bump into things. He gets around by his sense of smell. Now let me translate that for you. It means he walks around with his snout stuck up my butt! Now you may laugh and you may think it's cute, but let me tell you, it's annoying as hell! I'll admit, he's quite a looker but boy does he bug. He gets on my nerves to no end. So the reason I tell you all this is so that you'll realize how much experience I have with love, with friendship, with life. I know I'm not getting any younger and I realize that after twelve years in this crazy world it's time I do something to give back. So I've decided my legacy will be to pass on my hound wisdom to all who are willing to listen. So please read my ramblings, my rants, my observations. You just might learn something.