Thursday, October 23, 2008

What’s up with the bath?

Are you one of those crazy hounds that actually likes bathes? I just don’t get it. I mean I love the brushing after, but the bathe itself, no it’s not for me. The water’s always too cold or too hot, the soap always smells girlie. Does mom really think I want to smell like lavender moonlit nights or cherry blossoms? How about something a little studlier, like Bacon or Brawny Musk? Plus I’ve got a lot of hair so it takes me a really, long time; I mean really long time, to dry. And of course, there’s a “no wet dogs on the couch” rule. There’s also a “no wet dogs in the bed,” even my own bed! There’s a “no wet dogs on the hardwood floors rule!” Where’s a hounddogger supposed to sleep? I don’t know about you but baths make me tired. Where am I supposed to nap after my bath? Am I really expected to rest on the cold tile floor? That’s just barbaric I tell you.

Maybe we’ll have to start calling these Sir Chadwick’s rants!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

She’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

OMG, today’s the day. Today’s the day she’s coming to get me. She’s going to be taking me back home! My tail just won’t stop wagging!

Okay she’s coming back today. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to get back to MY house and sleep in MY bed and eat MY food. They actually gave me a shot while I was here! Now that was not on the agenda. It’s bad enough being away from home, without having to get stuck in the butt with a needle!

But she’s back today and I can’t wait to see her. I know I was going to try the pout and mope method, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to hide my excitement. I’m not sure my acting skills are as good as the Princess'. Plus that’s one of the differences between people and hounds. See we forgive and forget so easily. We don’t hold grudges. We say what’s on our mind, no holding back. So, I’ll bitch at her a little bit and then I’ll curl up next to her on the couch so she’ll know how much I missed her.

So my advice to all you hounds out there. Be true to yourself. Don’t play games. Just let your peeps know how much you love and appreciate them. Life’s just too short to not let each other know how we truly feel.

Live and Love
Sir Chadwick

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Left Alone Again

Okay, I know all you hounds out there can relate to this. I’ve been left alone yet again. Well not literally alone, but left at the kennel. Does she really think she’s leaving me at a doggie spa? She has to know better. There’s no couch in this place, there’s no big queen size bed with soft down comforters and feather pillows for me to rest my head against. It’s nothing like being at home, never mind being spa-like!

I mean the folks here are nice enough and they take good care of me and there are lots of other hounds around to chat with. But it’s not the same as being at my house where I rule the roost! At home I get served breakfast when I want it, not on some schedule. Plus there are a few hounds here that that just won’t shut up. You all know what I’m talking about don’t you? Those hounds that just chabber on for hours on end about anything and everything. Don’t they know some of us hounds need our rest? Mom always wonders why I sleep for 2 or 3 days when I come back from the kennel. It’s because I don’t get to sleep through the night, nor through the day for that matter! I tell you what, I think I’m actually going to have to take Princess Abby’s advice and try the pout and mope method when mom gets back. I have never felt like I needed to pull this trick out because the Princess had it down so well. I just reaped the benefits of her great acting skills. But I’ll have to try it myself this time.

I’ll let y’all know how it goes. In the meantime if you have some suggestions for me on how I can really play this out, send them along. Maybe something you’ve tried before that worked really well. I have a couple days to plot this out so the more ammunition the better.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And how could I forget...

boober, puppers, jabber jaw, punkin, munchkin, snickerdoodle. Oh and my personal favorite for The Princess, barkosaurus! Now that was truly a fitting name for her. Well that and crankosauras.

But, come on, really, how am I supposed to respond to all these names? I can't even remember what my real name is anymore. Breakfast? Bye-bye? Those are names I can respond to!

Friday, October 3, 2008

What's In a Name?

So what’s really in a name? What’s a name mean? What’s the point of having a one? How often are you called by your name?

When my mom adopted me, my name was Chad. I’d been Chad for 5 or 6 years. However, mom didn’t think Chad was a good name for a basset hound, so she added a wick on the end and decided to call me, Sir Chadwick. Now I must admit I prefer Sir Chadwick over Chad. Being the regal hound that I am, Sir Chadwick is much more befitting a name.

However, am I actually ever called Sir Chadwick? Not really. I mean on the rare occasion sure. Like when we're walking down the street or at the park and someone comes over, talks about how cute I am, asks if they can pet me and asks my name, my mom will respond this is Sir Chadwick. However, most of the time I’m called anything but my name. I’m often called, tater tot, little baked potato, muffin stuffin, kumquat and my least favorite Chaddy Paddy! Of course, Chaddy Paddy is the one used most often. I mean what kind manly hound walks around with a name like Chaddy Paddy? It’s totally embarrassing!

Princess Abby’s name was Abigail. However she was called Abby, the Princess, Princess Abby and my personal favorite, pig-pig. Now Princess Abby was most befitting for her. I mean truth be told, she was a little high maintenance.

Well, I’m signing off for now. It’s time for my evening nap.


Sir Chadwick
Tater Tot, Little Baked Potato, Muffin Stuffin, Kumquat, Chaddy Paddy

But that’ll be Sir Chadwick to you!

Questions/comments on this posting, other random thoughts? Please email me at You can also use because I get those emails as well.

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Abigail, although personally I prefer Princess Abby. I live, make that rule, a household in Los Angeles. I have a big backyard to play in, a couch to sleep on, and lots of love. I'm on my 3rd, yes 3rd, male companion. My first bud was Sherlock and he taught me everything. I was just six weeks old when I met him. He was five, so he knew everything. He took me under his wing and looked after me until the day he died. He died a week before his 13th birthday. That was almost 5 years ago and I still miss him. He was a special dude and for 8 years, we spent every minute of every day together. I was really lonely after I lost my best bud. So mom decided I needed another friend. In walks Brutus. Now Brutus was nothing like Sherlock. He'd had a really rough life but he didn't want to share what he knew of the world. He said his past was just too ugly and he wanted to forget it. He was just grateful to have nice place to sleep and people who loved him. He followed my mom around everywhere. He would never let her out of his sight. At first I was a little jealous, well a lot jealous. But then I realized he didn't grow up getting the kind of love and attention that I did, so I let him have the spotlight. I wound up learning a lot from him. I learned how to be grateful for the things I had. I'd grown up having it all so I didn't really appreciate anything. Brutus however was grateful for everything. I learned that the more love I give, the more I get back in return. He was a very special friend but unfortunately he got really sick and our time together was cut short. My heart ached after Brutus was gone. What was wrong with me that my two best buds had to leave me? As I sat feeling sorry for myself, mom pulled up in the Jeep and out jumped Chadwick. Now let me tell you about Chadwick. Chadwick walked in like he owned the place. He walked around like he was royalty or something. I don't know who he thought he was, but I quickly put him in his place. I established myself as the alpha dog in this household. He challenged me at first, but he finally acquiesced. Now Chadwick is a pain in my ass. I mean that literally. You see he's blind. I don't just mean he can't see well, the dog has no eyes. It's kind of freaky if you ask me. It is kind of funny though to watch him bump into things. He gets around by his sense of smell. Now let me translate that for you. It means he walks around with his snout stuck up my butt! Now you may laugh and you may think it's cute, but let me tell you, it's annoying as hell! I'll admit, he's quite a looker but boy does he bug. He gets on my nerves to no end. So the reason I tell you all this is so that you'll realize how much experience I have with love, with friendship, with life. I know I'm not getting any younger and I realize that after twelve years in this crazy world it's time I do something to give back. So I've decided my legacy will be to pass on my hound wisdom to all who are willing to listen. So please read my ramblings, my rants, my observations. You just might learn something.